Privacy Policy
1. Khandel Light ("KL") holds personal information ("personal data") regarding individuals comprising all or any of (a) name, (b) address, (c) telephone
numbers, (d) email address, and no other personal information.
2. KL will not seek to obtain any personal data in future save as expressed in 1 above.
3. All personal data held or to be held by KL will be used only for the pupose of contacting and communicating with the person to whom that personal data relates to, send newsletters or information regarding the charitable activities of KL and its beneficiaries and details of or invitations to future events of or supported by KL, whether for the purpose of fundraising or otherwise.
4. Any person whose personal data is held by KL must have consented to being contacted, whether by post or by email, before any such contact may be made.
Such consent must have been given freely and in the full knowledge and understanding that consent may be withheld and, if given, may be withdrawn on
written request at anytime in the future.
5. Any intended withdrawal of consent should be communicated in writing (whether by email or by post) to Bridget Gough at or 40 High
Street, Chrishall, SG8 8RP. KL will as soon as reasonably possible, and in any event within 21 days of a receipt of a written withdrawal of consent, remove
from its records, delete or destroy all such personal data and confirm that in writing.
6. All personal data will be held by KL only either (a) in written form in a locked and secure place under the sole control of the designated person or (b)
electronically in a secure and encrypted device under the sole control of that designated person. Such designated person shall be at all times a Trustee of KL
and is currently Bridget Gough.
7. KL will not share personal data with any other persons and will not use that personal data for any purposes save as mentiond above.
8. KL will keep records of all consents relating to personal data and will upon request provide details of when and by what means such consent was given.
Our mission
We work to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Khandel and its surrounding villages situated in the desert State of Rajasthan, India.
Fact file
Take a look at some of the facts and headline issues that we as a charity are addressing.