The Khandel light team
Day to day running of Khandel light is carried out by its management team of volunteer trustees:

Dr Peter Gough (Chairman of Trustees)
I was an NHS Doctor for 43 years and a Family Doctor for 38 years, including 29 years as a GP Partner in and around Barley and Royston.
I visited India for the first time in 1996 as part of a Newport Free Grammar School expedition, involving teachers, pupils (including our eldest son, Will) and another parent. I was deeply moved by India’s extreme poverty, especially in the cities, but found a possible solution to this in Rajasthan, where I met Rameshwar lal Verma, founder and Director of Nirman Sanstha Khandel (NSK).
NSK works to improve the lives of the rural poor with the aim of reducing migration to even greater poverty in the cities.
It struck me that by harnessing talent, generosity, and influence in a model of community-to-community aid, the projects of NSK could be expanded, sustained, and replicated. This would provide aid to Khandel and its surrounding villages and potentially, through similar partnerships, tackle poverty and inequalities in other parts of the world.
With the support and expertise of my fellow Trustees, Khandel light was created in 2000 and has led to a significant increase in the aspirations, opportunities, and capabilities of many thousands of people.

Kate Hurst ((Vice Chair of Trustees))
I spent many years teaching in Secondary Schools in London and Hertfordshire before joining Khandel light as a trustee. I am particularly interested in the development of educational bursaries, the empowerment through training of young women and the shared educational opportunities Khandel light is now able to offer in computer literacy.

Theresa Bland (Trustee)
I studied graphic design at Loughborough College of Art and design and worked in London as a designer for 7 years. Since then I have brought up three girls with my husband Richard, managed a specialist healthcare clinic and now work as group administrator in a technology business.

Richard Bland (Trustee)
I studied art at Banbury then graphic design at Loughborough. I worked as a senior designer in a London agency for 7 years then joined another agency in Cambridge as creative director. In 2008 I formed the communications company KISS which I led with my business partner Simon until my retirement in 2019. I now do some creative consultancy and run our AirBnB. I am married to Theresa Bland and have three daughters.

Bridget Gough (Trustee)
I trained as a nurse at the Westminster Hospital, London and, after qualifying worked in London and Leicester. A full and enjoyable family life with 4 sons followed this.
In 1997 I visited India for the first time with a friend and a back pack. It was stark to see the freedoms we took for granted and they were denied. I returned hoping to make a difference to the lives of the girls and women. Education and empowerment of women is paramount.

Michelle Marriott (Trustee)
I was born in Australia and have lived in the UK since 1986. My key strengths are organisational skills, multi-tasking ability, problem solving and “can do” approach. My previous charity experience includes seven years with Save The Children Fund, the Barley Plaistow Committee and Barley School.

Theresa Mudie (Trustee)
As a foster carer and child minder I have considerable knowledge of health and social care policy. My lived experience of the importance of the family unit informs my support of Khandel Light. I have gained valuable knowledge through running my own businesses which has proved invaluable for Khandel Light fundraising.

Karen Marriott (Trustee and Treasurer)
I was introduced to Khandel Light in 2011 following the resignation of the previous Treasurer. Since then I have been both a Trustee and the Treasurer. I maintain the monthly accounts and deal with all financial matters for the charity including Gift Aid and the statutory filings with the Charities Commission. I am an active fundraiser and have also previously served on the committee of the local Save The Children charity.

Michelle Renwick (Trustee )
I am a qualified hair stylist running a freelance business. I have enjoyed many years of organising fundraising events, for a variety of organisations. Scouting locally has been a big part of my free time over the last 20 years giving me many experiences, at home and abroad. I have been on the organising team for taking large parties of scouts over to parts of Africa, working on improving facilities in communities and with orphanages.

Emma Lacy (Trustee)
As the latest recruit to the Khandel Light trustees, I’m happy to introduce myself to you all! I am a passionate gardener and care massively about the environment. So, Khandel Light’s work with Nirman Sanstha to help bring an end to the 20+ year drought through tree planting is something I’m very passionate about. Bonus, it creates jobs in the local community too!
Fact file
Take a look at some of the facts and headline issues that we as a charity are addressing.
100 students per year are offered Educational Bursaries. Of these 90 will be students who are orphans, from poor families, or those with parents with a disability.