working to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Rajasthan

A Gift for the Future

Your extraordinary and kind support has allowed us to transform the lives of thousands of disadvantaged people in Rajasthan, India, for over 23 years.

As some of you may remember, we began by delivering clean drinking water, basic sanitation, and simple healthcare, immediately helping to improve the lives of thousands of people.

As well as continuing to provide these basic human needs, we are, with your help and with our trusted partner NGO, Nirman Sanstha Khandel, building more sustainable communities in a harsh environment, made worse by climate change.

With a strong emphasis on the rights of women and better education for all, we are creating a legacy we can all be proud of, long into the future.

Having been at our side during this journey, we would like to give you the opportunity of continuing with us on the road ahead by including a lasting gift in your Will.

Your Will is, of course, mostly about providing for your family and friends, but a small donation to Khandel light will have a profound effect on the communities we serve and, as you know, over 99% of everything we receive goes straight to our important project work.

With thanks again for your loyal support,
Warm wishes,

Dr Peter Gough


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