The Gift of Giving vouchers

Thinking of the perfect gift for your friend, family or colleague? Then we've got the perfect gift. It's undeniable that they last 2 years have been tough for everyone, not least our friends in the Khandel region of Rajasthan, India.
This year we have seen the true benefit of our work in Rajasthan, while it's also been a year that has shown your support and ours cannot flounder. The pandemic brought to the fore that we're all close to the bread line. One story brought this to our attention this year.
Puja's story
Puja is a young woman who attends the Girls' Parliament, set-up to empower women in the region. These girls are trying their best to break the cycle of expectations set on women in the area, while also continuing to support their families in any way possible.
Puja is a young woman that cares for her two disabled parents. She was spending hours each day collecting water and doing domestic chores in order to provide for her mother and father.
One day Puja was running late for the Girls' Parliament. There was concern within the parliament and with our NGO partner, Nirman Sanstha. She was asked what was happening to make her late and she explained that she was late as she had to do all the chores for her family and walk for hours to collect water for her disabled parents.
Puja also mentioned that her parents were trying to find her a husband, something that commonly happens to teenagers, in order to reduce financial burden. However, with this happening at such a young age, her education would halt and the cycle would continue.
Life was hard for her, but it needn't be.
What happened next
With Puja's difficult but not uncommon situation, with funding from us and our supporters, Nirman Sanstha were able to step in. They have provided her and her family with a 10,000 litre water tank that will be refilled with drinking water every month.The Girls' Parliament approached her parents to explain that staying in education, instead of marrying young, would bring new prospects and financial benefits in the long term.
Following this Puja also received an educational bursary which has allowed her parents and family to have financial freedom while she can attend school.
In Puja’s own words, translated from Hindi:
“After joining the Parliament meetings, I started feeling that the window of my mind, which used to open and close in my house, was now
open and I started to feel that the world outside is very peaceful and beautiful. By attending the Parliament sessions in myself, I felt that from the windows of my mind I can now look all around, that is, now it is increasing myself-esteem and self-confidence. After joining the Parliament, my identity in the village has increased. By giving priority to me, I was made a water house in which drinking water is being regularly available every month, due to which my time is saved. Now I can buy medicine for my blind mother and handicapped father by sewing more, and I am also able to run the household expenses”
This would not have been possible without our supporters help. But, this just one story. There are so many more people that need our help just like Puja did. Here's how you can help, while giving friends, family and colleagues the gift of giving.
Give the Gift of Giving
Have you ever felt like you just don't know what to get someone for a birthday, Christmas, anniversary or other celebration? It happens to most of us.But, with our vouchers you can give the gift of giving. For just £10 to £50, depending on your budget, you can help more people like Puja get the water they need, the education they need, the employment they need, and the empowerment they need.
It's the perfect feel good gift.
Buy Now
You can also contact Bridget Gough via email on for more information and to order your vouchers.
Our mission
We work to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Khandel and its surrounding villages situated in the desert State of Rajasthan, India.